Fisherman’s Village: Barreiro, Portugal

I worked on this project with Michelle Wray, Sieglinde Ruelens, Miguel Paixão, and Júlio Assunção. We were tasked with creating a plan for a site where fishermen had been illegally living and fishing from. Rather than further criminalize them or move them to another location, as some had suggested, we decided to create a concept of a Fishermen’s village, where the local fishermen could sell their produce. It would be accompanied by affordable housing, proper docks and equipment holding, as well as a high end yacht club. The project was 1-week, in Barreiro, Portugal, across the Bay from Lisbon. While I am only including the images I created to the left, our entire group visited the site, interviewed the fishermen, and researched the economic viability of the program. After presenting our concept, the Mayor commended us on the plan.

The studio was taught by John Radke, Associate Professor at UC Berkeley, and G. Mathias Kondolf, Professor at UC Berkeley.