Permit Application: Lyft Scootershare

In 2019, Lyft applied to be part of the newly launched Scootershare program. While Lyft was not awarded, the application, the sections I worked on received the highest marks possible. Below are some quotes.

In regards to “Distribution Strategy,” specifically “Methods for deploying and redistributing scooters consistent with Distribution Guidelines and Requirements,” the judges wrote:

This proposal includes unique approaches demonstrating the highest level of ability to solving known challenges and concerns, and substantially exceeding the minimum requirements because applicant provides phasing plan with maps, and their deployment methodology prioritizes Key Neighborhoods as well as locations that enhance access to transit and serve high travel corridors…

In regards to “Equitable Operations,” specifically “Service to Key Neighborhoods, as defined in the Distribution Guidelines and Requirements,” the judges wrote:

This proposal substantially exceeds the minimum requirements because the applicant's deployment methodology prioritizes Key Neighborhoods as well as locations that enhance access to transit and serve high travel corridors. The application also commits to ensuring coverage and availability in Key Neighborhoods (propose dedicating 20% of the scooter fleet to service San Francisco residents who reside in Key Neighborhoods). Additionally, in each phase, regardless of permitted fleet size, Lyft will deploy scooters on a daily basis throughout the Key Neighborhoods, exceeding the minimum number of scooters outlined in the Minimum Threshold Table.

In regards to “Equitable Operations,” specifically “Service to neighborhoods without existing powered scooter share service,” the judges wrote:

This proposal substantially exceeds the minimum requirements because the applicant commits to serving entire Core Service Area (including areas outside of existing scooter service areas), as well as Richmond District (if granted 2,500 scooters). Additionally, if granted 2,500 scooters, Lyft will add service to the northern portion of the Sunset in Phase 2 and to the southern portion, primarily West Portal, in Phase 3. Otherwise, Lyft will expand to the Richmond and a portion of the Presidio in Phase 2…