Richmond Slope

This project was completed after the Richmond MARSH and Geologic Wall concepts. It is also located in Richmond, California.

The idea, delineated to the left beginning with final drawings and ending with process work, was to create a public space adjacent to the Historic Ford Motor Plant which would also serve as a ferry terminal.

The two-level parking structure is located at the eastern portion of the site, the design slopes downward, into the water.

Between wide, downward sloping grassy strips are multiple walkways leading to both the street level by stairs, and to cantilevered viewing decks, each lower than the other.

Ultimately, the slope reaches steps that lead directly into the Bay. The Ferry platform is situated between the Slope and Ford Motor Plant.

The slope is broken out into a grid of lightpoles, that continue into the water as well.

There is also a grove of trees at the northeastern corner, a mix between Cork Oak and Olives.

The studio was taught by Richard Hindle, Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley, and Roderick Wyllie, Partner at Surfacedesign, Inc. in San Francisco.