
The Richmond MARSH: Museum of Anthropocenic Remnants and Salvaged Heritage

This project builds off the The Bay Marsh Boardwalk, but at a new site: Richmond, California. However, it was done in conjunction with, though is separate from, the Geologic Wall concept.

The purpose of this concept is considering the future of the landscape after sea level rise has occurred and how we can remember the landscapes that once existed and defined the area. The mosaic marshland is interspersed with a mosaic of preserved, but deserted developed lands, which have been protected by walls. People visit these different spaces by connected tunnels that allow them to experience the geology of the landscape.

The video collages these sites and other images over a potential experience someone could have while visiting the Richmond MARSH. The static collages imagine these in other ways.

The studio was taught by Richard Hindle, Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley, and Roderick Wyllie, Partner at Surfacedesign, Inc. in San Francisco.